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Activating and deactivating of stakes

Last update: 21.02.2024

Here you can find all instructions for managing your stakes in the personal account.

Adding stakes

1) Adding stakes to the current month

To add a new stake go to your personal account -> Stakes -> add a stake -> select the room, type of game, stakes and a start date -> Save. After this you will receive a confirmation email.

*you can set an activating date no earlier than a next day

2) Adding stakes to the next month

To add a new stake for the next month, go to your personal account ->Stakes -> select the next month -> add a stake -> select the room, type of game, stakes and start date -> Save. After this you will receive a confirmation email.

Deactivating of stakes

1) Deactivation from a specific date

To deactivate a stake from a specific date, go to your personal account -> Stakes -> edit -> select the End date for the stakes you want to deactivate  -> Save. After it you will receive a confirmation email.

*You can deactivate a stake no earlier than the next day

* if you set an end date February 15, then this day is still counted in the pool and will be disabled from the next day (February 16)

2) Deactivation from next month

To deactivate a stake from the next month date, go to your personal account -> Stakes -> edit -> uncheck the Prolongation near stakes you want to deactivate -> Save. After it you will receive a confirmation email.

Contact [email protected] in case of any questions

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